Monday, August 20, 2007

Why won't people come to ABBA!!!! I apologize- Open Recovery.
It was opening night tonight and seven people showed up. SEVEN! One of which was myself (I'm repeating the year....recovery special Ed). We made cool posters, established the website - what is it with people at church thinking they don't need it? Is it that life really isn't that bad? That recovery is only for the truly screwed? Not just the partially twisted?

1 comment:

CouldBeWertz said...

Well, I was there ... with bells on!

I think the problem is that people in the church make a career out of lying about their condition and if they show one little crack, the whole facade is going to come crashing down around them and they're going to think that no one will ever be able to trust or believe them again. (Of course, in many cases, no one should be trusting them in the first place!) The irony is that the truth is both better and worse than we imagine. We are ALL horribly messed up wretches unworthy of trust. And healing and reconciliation is only as hard as you make it.