Wednesday, August 29, 2007

When I think of the word 'quest'...I think of adventure, danger, dragons, narrow-escapes, daring heroes or heroines. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the word quest....maybe I should have committed to a gentle spiritual stroll...because today is day 3 and I am tired - having faced my own dragons and narrow-escapes today. I even muttered the dangerous phrase 'could today get any worse?' - and then proceeded to sit on I-25 for an hour and a half while an accident cleared at I-25 and Lincoln. As I sat in the car flipping through radio stations trying to figure out why the traffic was at a standstill I noticed that I was driving behind a car that had a large sticker on the back windshield. It was an ornate tree-like design with the words 'saved to live' and then 'live to serve'. I, that person must really be into being a christian...but as I was looking at the sticker, the sun was shining through the window and a shadow was cast onto one of the back seats and it read quite clearly 'saved to live, live to serve'. The actual words were on the window, but with the addition of the sunlight, the words became alive and visible in another location. That's what God's love should release in us. The love moving through us allows our faith to be reflected elsewhere. Without that love, we are all just stickers on a car windshield.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow...I like it. Very thoughtful. Glad to know inspiration happens even in a traffic jam!