Tuesday, February 05, 2008

So I am responding to a 'meme' after being tagged by Amy. After four months of not posting on my blog, I would have thought that my next post would have been slightly more 'inspired' but here you go.

Here were the instructions: Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating!Find Page 123. Find the first 5 sentences.Post the next 3 sentences.Tag 5 people.

I am NOT making this up :)

"Erase stains in the toilet or on any porcelain surface with a pumice stick. Scrub mould and mildrew with a few drops of washing-up liquid in warm water. Then scrub with 11/4 cup of liquid chlorine bleach in 1 quart of water." (The One Minute Cleaner)

Man, this is embarassing.

I tag


Amy said...

That makes me laugh, Katie! I thought Eddie's guitar book was bad, but yours definitely tops that!

Amy said...

Katie, I've tagged you for meme's twice today. (Feel free to participate or not)!

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