Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I had to share tonight as my heart is heavy. I found out tonight that our neighbour Clay, had been killed this weekend in a motorcycle accident. Clay had lived across the street from us ever since we moved in, 6 years ago. He was a loner, a bit of an odd-duck - probably in his early 40s but to be honest I could never really tell, as most of the year it was hidden behind a long beard - he was a true biker (complete with pot-belly) and owned a beautiful classic car that would win prizes in local contests. The first time we met Clay, he had stumbled into our back yard by accident, rather worse for wear, after winning a prize for his car :)
He worked at King Soopers and I would often see him putting out produce or working on the checkout. To be honest, when I saw him I would often turn my cart around or choose another checkout. I don't know why. he made me feel a bit awkward I suppose. I know he had diabetes, and on more than one occasion he would get driven off in an ambulance late at night as we all peered from behind our curtains.
We'd have our odd chats in the street - about the weather or Rowan or whether my parents were going to be visiting soon.
A couple of weeks ago, there was a knock on the door and it was Clay. I was quite taken aback as he usually keeps himself to himself. He told me that he had renovated his mail box, and if I wanted, he would be happy to do mine too. He showed me his newly restored mailbox - he had rubbed down the metal and spray painted inside and out and painted the handle red. it looked awesome - like it was brand new. He said he had materials left over and would be happy to work on mine (that was rusty and awful). According to my stay-at-home neighbor, each day he would wander over to my mail box and sand it down, spray, paint etc. until it looked brand new.
I had hoped to see him and thank him for his kindess. Finally I wrote a thank you card and put it in his mailbox, but to be honest. I will never know if he ever got it, never know if he knew how thankful I was for his time, effort and thoughtfulness.
Hi lived alone and died alone. His truck is still in his driveway and I'm sure there are dishes in the sink and laundry to be done that will remain there until someone comes and goes through his estate.
Clay was a neighbor that I never reached out to, and I am feeling deep regret and saddness. He reached out to me and his parting gift to me was my nice new shiny mailbox and I will always be grateful.


Amy said...

Ahh, Kate. I sorrow with you.

Jim Ladd said...

I love your honesty about how you felt around Clay and how you feel now. I grieve with you.

Thanks for letting us in.